You shall tell your son in that day, saying, ‘It is because of that which Yahweh did for me when I came out of Egypt.’ It shall be for a sign to you on your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that Yahweh’s law may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand Yahweh has brought you out of Egypt. You shall therefore keep this ordinance in its season from year to year.
Exodus 13:8-10
Many times we see God asking the Isrelites to do something to remind them of what He had done for them.
We humans can know something but not take it into account in our daily actions because it's not at the front of our minds. It's not just "Melayu mudah lupa" like Dr. M. says, but "Manusia mudah lupa". ("Malays forget easily" / "Humans forget easily".)
That's why it's important to remin ourselves of God's truths regularly. For example, yesterday's sermon by Pastor Malcom didn't tell those of us who have been Christians for a while anything new, but it is good to be reminded that we're saved by grace through faith, not of works, and yet also faith without works is dead, so that every day our actions are guided by those principles.
Father, thank You for your salvation and Your truths. Remind us regularly that we may live inlight of them. In Jesus' name, amen.
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